Toyota Dyna 5 comes with new variants. This year 2009 /2010 predicted demand for light truck type vehicles (light trucks) will increase.
AGENT single brand holder (ATPM) Toyota cars in Indonesia, PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), targeting sales of Toyota Dyna light trucks to reach 10 thousand units this year. Raihan TAM market share to 2 ton truck segment will be encouraged from 11% in 2009 to 14% this year.
It was revealed TAM Marketing Director Joko Trisanyoto through the launch of five new variants of Toyota Dyna in Jakarta, yesterday. Dyna Five new variants of the RIPE launched HT 130, 130 XT, 110 ET, FT 110, and 110 ST.
According to Marketing Director of TAM, Joko Trisanyoto, in the period January to December 2009, Toyota Dyna retail sales reached more than 7800 units. As the largest market share Toyota Dyna products in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.
For the five new variants, offer some useful new features that enhance driver comfort, among others, power tilt and telescopic steering.
Apart from that feature, the new variant adopts a new engine is more efficient in fuel consumption. As a vehicle designed for transportation facilities from production centers, the new variant is designed as a tool for all types of businesses and can be used in different fields.
These five new variants Dyna chassis is also equipped with various choices and a stronger differential and support for the use of the path of plantation areas, rural areas, to both intercity highways and in cities.
On the same occasion, President Director Johnny Darmawan TAM describes the launch of five new variants of Toyota Dyna in the early part of TAM optimism improvement in capturing the trend of the national economy this year. Moreover, improvements in infrastructure has become one of the 100-day priorities of government programs.
"Improved infrastructure will usually trigger the effect of an increase in demand for commercial vehicles," said Johnny.
He said the launch is not just a strategy to strengthen the position of TAM in the commercial vehicle segment in the beginning of the year.
However, it also as a step to encourage movement national economy.
New Dyna comes with various types to support your business.
Off road or on road, both for inland, coastal, hills, mountains, steep terrain and urban areas. smooth inter-city roads and in town.
Whatever your business type, new Toyota DYNA strong and profitable
Available in 5 main variants:
1. DYNA 130 PS HT - HEAVY TRUCK | 6 Wheels2. DYNA 130 PS XT - XPRESS TRUCK | 6 Wheels
3. DYNA 110 PS ET - Econo Truck | 6 Wheels4. DYNA 110 PS FT - FAST TRUCK | 6 Wheels
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